
해외 우수한 분석, 측정, 계측기기 제조회사의 독점 대리점 !

Residual Gas Analyzer

Residual Gas AnalyzerXT series

"All IN ONE"
Quadrupole Mass Anglywer+Ion Gauge + Pirani Gauge
  • 제품특징 이미지
    하나로 통합
    4중극자 질량분석기+ 이온게이지+피라니게이지
  • 제품특징 이미지
    RGB 각각에 대한 아나로그 Output
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    사용하기 쉬운 윈도우 소프트웨어(윈도우 2000, XP, 7, 8, 10)
  • 제품특징 이미지
    총길이 311mm의 소형경량화(제어부 포함)
  • 제품특징 이미지
    안정적이고 빠른 RS232 통신(115,200 baud)
  • 제품특징 이미지
    Easy install
    현장에서 사용자가 쉽게 부품교체
Model XT100, XT100M XT200, XT200M XT300, XT300M
Mass range 1 to 100 amu 1 to 200 amu 1 to 300 amu
Mass filter type Quadrupole
Resolution Better than 0.5 amu @ 10% peak height, adjustable
Operating pressure

UHV to Atmosphere (Pirani gauge 10-3 Torr to ATM,

Ion Gauge below 10-2 Torr, RGA operation below 10-4 Torr)

Detector type Faraday cup (FC), Standard
Electron Multiplier (EM), Optional
Sensitivity (A/Torr) 5 x 10-4 into Faraday cup. Measured with N2 @ 28 amu with 1 amu full peak width, 10% height, 70 eV electron energy,
6 eV ion energy and 2 mA electron emission
Minimum detectable partial pressure 5 x 10-12 Torr Faraday cup, 5 x 10-14 Torr Electron multiplier Measured with N2 @ 28 amu with 1 amu full peak width,
10% height, 70eV electron energy, 6 eV ion energy, and 2 mA electron emission
Total pressure measurement

10-3 Torr to ATM, Pirani gauge
2 x 10-10 Torr to 10-2 Torr, B/A type Ion Gauge

Operating temperature 50 °C Electronics, 100 °C Probe
Bakeout temperature 300 °C (Probe only, CCU removed)
Ionizer Design Open ion source , electron impact ionization
Probe Materials SS304, Kovar, Tungsten, Alumina, Iridium, Copper, Nickel, Thoria, Platinum

Dual thoria coated iridium with firmware protection.

Built-in 1 to 30W degas ramp-up. Field replaceable

Electron energy 11 to 150V, programmable
Ion energy 1 to 12V, programmable
Electron emission current 0.1 to 4 mA, programmable
Probe mounting flange 2.75” CF
CCU dimensions 3.3” x 4.8” x 7.4”, Easily separated from probe for bakeout
Warm-up time Mass stability ± 0.1 amu after 30 minutes
Computer interface RS-232C, up to 115,200 baud, or USB
Software Included VacuumPlus Windows
based application. Requires Windows 2000, XP, 7, 8, or 10
Power requirement 24 VDC @ 2.5 Amps. 120/240 VAC adaptor included
Weight 5 lbs. Total, Probe and CCU
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Probe Manifolds Single Valve Sampling Inlet
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Double Valve Sampling Inlet High Conductance Valve with Pressure Reduction Bypass(es)
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Nipples and Flange Adapters Weld Adapters for Capillary Tubing
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High Conductance Right Angle Valve XT Swagelok Bellows-Sealed Valve with VCR Fittings